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Batch Jobs

Users must submit jobs to the queue in batch mode for normal job runs.

Example scripts are in /sw/userdoc/samplescripts.  A hybrid xe+xk script is also located there showing how to request nodes of both types (xe_xk.pbs ).

If you're using PrgEnv-intel with OpenMP, please see for specific recommendations regarding aprun and setting KMP_AFFINITY appropriately.

XE nodes only, packing 1 MPI task per integer core (2 per bulldozer core)

#IMPORTANT! If above shell isn't the same as your account default shell, add
# the "-i" option to the above line to be able to use "module" commands. 

### set the number of nodes
### set the number of PEs per node
#PBS -l nodes=2048:ppn=32:xe
### set the wallclock time
#PBS -l walltime=01:00:00
### set the job name
#PBS -N testjob
### set the job stdout and stderr
#PBS -e $PBS_JOBID.err
#PBS -o $PBS_JOBID.out
### set email notification
##PBS -m bea
##PBS -M username@host
### In case of multiple allocations, select which one to charge
##PBS -A xyz
### Set umask so users in my group can read job stdout and stderr files
#PBS -W umask=0027

# NOTE: lines that begin with "#PBS" are not interpreted by the shell but ARE
# used by the batch system, wheras lines that begin with multiple # signs,
# like "##PBS" are considered "commented out" by the batch system
# and have no effect.

# If you launched the job in a directory prepared for the job to run within,
# you'll want to cd to that directory
# [uncomment the following line to enable this]

# Alternatively, the job script can create its own job-ID-unique directory
# to run within.  In that case you'll need to create and populate that
# directory with executables and perhaps inputs
# [uncomment and customize the following lines to enable this behavior]
# mkdir -p /scratch/sciteam/$USER/$PBS_JOBID
# cd /scratch/sciteam/$USER/$PBS_JOBID
# cp /scratch/job/setup/directory/* .

# To add certain modules that you do not have added via ~/.modules
# use a line like the following (uncommented, of course).  
#module load craype-hugepages2M  perftools

# export APRUN_XFER_LIMITS=1  # to transfer shell limits to the executable

### launch the application
### redirecting stdin and stdout if needed
### NOTE: (the "in" file must exist for input)

aprun -n 65536 ./app.exe  < in > out.$PBS_JOBID

### For more information see the man page for aprun

Using XE nodes with MPI and OpenMP (hybrid MPI + OpenMP)

#IMPORTANT! If above shell isn't the same as your account default shell, add
# the "-i" option to the above line to be able to use "module" commands. 

### set the number of nodes
### set the number of PEs per node
### set the XE feature
#PBS -l nodes=2048:ppn=32:xe
### set the wallclock time
#PBS -l walltime=01:00:00
### set the job name
#PBS -N testjob
### set the job stdout and stderr
#PBS -e $PBS_JOBID.err
#PBS -o $PBS_JOBID.out
### set email notification
##PBS -m bea
##PBS -M username@host
### In case of multiple allocations, select which one to charge
##PBS -A xyz
### Set umask so users in my group can read job stdout and stderr files
#PBS -W umask=0027

# NOTE: lines that begin with "#PBS" are not interpreted by the shell but ARE
# used by the batch system, wheras lines that begin with multiple # signs,
# like "##PBS" are considered "commented out" by the batch system
# and have no effect.

# If you launched the job in a directory prepared for the job to run within,
# you'll want to cd to that directory
# [uncomment the following line to enable this]

# Alternatively, the job script can create its own job-ID-unique directory
# to run within.  In that case you'll need to create and populate that
# directory with executables and perhaps inputs
# [uncomment and customize the following lines to enable this behavior]
# mkdir -p /scratch/sciteam/$USER/$PBS_JOBID
# cd /scratch/sciteam/$USER/$PBS_JOBID
# cp /scratch/job/setup/directory/* .

# To add certain modules that you do not have added via ~/.modules
# use a line like the following (uncommented, of course). 
#module load craype-hugepages2M perftools 

### launch the application
### redirecting stdin and stdout if needed
### set OMP_NUM_THREADS and the depth accordingly
### in the following there will be 1 MPI task per bulldozer FP module,
### with 2 OMP threads 1 per integer core.

### NOTE: (the "in" file must exist for input)

aprun -n 32768 -d 2  ./app.exe  < in > out.$PBS_JOBID

### For more information see the man page for aprun

Using XE node with threads ( OpenMP)


### set the number of nodes
### set the number of PEs per node
### set the XE feature
#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=16:xe
### set the wallclock time
#PBS -l walltime=01:00:00
### set the job name
#PBS -N testjob
### set the job stdout and stderr
#PBS -e $PBS_JOBID.err
#PBS -o $PBS_JOBID.out
### set email notification
##PBS -m bea
##PBS -M username@host
### In case of multiple allocations, select which one to charge
##PBS -A xyz
### Set umask so users in my group can read job stdout and stderr files
#PBS -W umask=0027

# NOTE: lines that begin with "#PBS" are not interpreted by the shell but ARE 
# used by the batch system, wheras lines that begin with multiple 
# signs, 
# like "##PBS" are considered "commented out" by the batch system 
# and have no effect. 

# If you launched the job in a directory prepared for the job to run within, 
# you'll want to cd to that directory 
# [uncomment the following line to enable this] 

# Alternatively, the job script can create its own job-ID-unique directory 
# to run within. In that case you'll need to create and populate that 
# directory with executables and perhaps inputs 
# [uncomment and customize the following lines to enable this behavior] 
# mkdir -p /scratch/sciteam/$USER/$PBS_JOBID 
# cd /scratch/sciteam/$USER/$PBS_JOBID 
# cp /scratch/job/setup/directory/* .  

# To add certain modules that you do not have added via ~/.modules 
# use a line like the following (uncommented, of course). 
#module load craype-hugepages2M perftools 

### launch the application
### redirecting stdin and stdout if needed
### set OMP_NUM_THREADS and the depth accordingly
### in the following there will be 1 MPI task with 16 threads;
### 1 OMP thread per bulldozer FP module.
### In this example, the odd-numbered cores are chosen.

aprun -n 1 -d $OMP_NUM_THREADS -cc 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19,21,23,25,27,29,31 \
  ./app.exe  < in > out

### in the following there will be 1 MPI task per node
### with 1 OMP thread per bulldozer FP module.
### In this example, the odd-numbered cores are chosen.
#aprun -n 1 -d $OMP_NUM_THREADS -cc 1,3,9,11,17,19,25,27  ./app.exe  < in > out

### For more information see the man page for aprun