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Logging in
To access Stampede2 via command line, please use the XSEDE Single Sign-On Hub and gsissh.

Please have multifactor authentication set up on your XSEDE portal account. Instructions for this can be found at

Interactive jobs

The simplest way to start interactive jobs on Stampede2 is to use the idev command:

idev -m 5 -A project_name

This will start an interactive session on a KNL node for 5 minutes (-m 5) using the project_name specified: either TG-TRA140011 (for people with XSEDE portal accounts) or TG-CDA170005 (for train01train96 users).

Batch (non-interactive) jobs

For non-interactive job submissions, use the SLURM sbatch command:

sbatch myjobscript

Where myjobscript is the name of a text file containing special #SBATCH comments/directives and SHELL commands that describe the particulars of the job you are submitting. The details of your job script's contents depend on the type of job you intend to run.

Sample job scripts: