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NCSA GPU Hackathon

Training Materials

All participants may sign up for 130 free self-paced GPU programming lab credits at: The 130 credits are sufficient to complete all the OpenACC courses. Contact Scott Lathrop for the code to receive the lab credits. After signing up using the above link, registrants will receive an email from NVIDIA with the link to the actual training portal. It's located at:

Introduction to OpenACC Online Course - offered by NVIDIA

Introduction to HPC - covers basic skills, such as UNIX and vim text editor, before moving on to parallel programming and GPU computing - offered by Oak Ridge National Laboratory

GPU Programming Using OpenACC - offered by Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center

Big Data - offered by Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center

Kokkos training materials - Tutorials for the Kokkos C++ Performance Portability Programming EcoSystem

Introduction to GPGPU and CUDA programming - offered by Cornell Virtual Workshop