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NCSA GPU Hackathon


Nine teams have been selected to attend the Hackathon at NCSA. The teams are listed by team name and institution.

Individual names and emails of team members and mentors will be shared privately among the participants.

A private slack channel will be provided to facilitate communications among the team members and mentors.

Team Name Team Institution
The GPU Dynamos University of Notre Dame
Binary Collision Intoxication University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
CHARMM_BrooksLab University of Michigan
The Inflow Jets University of Wisconsin, Madison
MoonWorks University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Accel-purr-ators Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Shark Wave University of Notre Dame
NESSA: Mesh Operations for Large Scale Molecular Dynamics Simulations University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign