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Containers in HPC

Photograph of Maxim Belkin
Maxim Belkin

Education and Training Coordinator
National Center for Supercomputing Applications

Photograph of Galen Arnold
Galen Arnold

Senior Systems Engineer
National Center for Supercomputing Applications

Photograph of Roland Haas
Roland Haas

Senior Research Programmer
National Center for Supercomputing Applications

Photograph of Scott McMillan
Scott McMillan

Senior Solutions Architect


Software container solutions have revolutionized application development practices by enabling lightweight platform abstractions within the so-called "containers." Inspired by their wide-spread adoption by software developers, computational scientists are now embracing "containers" as a means to make computational research reproducible. In this one-day hands-on workshop, we will teach you how to use software "containers" for your computational research. You will learn about such container solutions as Docker, Singularity, and Shifter. You will work with these software solutions on your personal computer and Blue Waters, one of the most powerful supercomputers in the world.