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Paul R. Woodward


Paul R. Woodward, Pei-Hung Lin, Huaqing Mao, Robert Andrassy, and Falk Herwig (2019): Simulating 3-D Stellar Hydrodynamics using PPM and PPB Multifluid Gas Dynamics on CPU and CPU+GPU Nodes, IOP Publishing, Journal of Physics: Conference Series (13th International Conference on Numerical Modeling of Space Plasma Flows, ASTRONUM 2018), Vol 1225, pp012020, Panama City Beach, Florida, U.S.A.


C. Ritter, R. Andrassy, B. Côté, F. Herwig, P. R. Woodward, M. Pignatari, and S. Jones (2018): Convective-reactive nucleosynthesis of K, Sc, Cl and p-process isotopes in O-C shell mergers, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters, Royal Astronomical Society, Vol 474, Num 1, ppL1–L6
Falk Herwig, Robert Andrassy, Nic Annau, Ondrea Clarkson, Benoit Côté, Aaron D’Sa, Sam Jones, Belaid Moa, Jericho O’Connell, David Porter, Christian Ritter, and Paul Woodward (2018): Cyberhubs: Virtual Research Environments for Astronomy, Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, The American Astronomical Society, Vol 236, Num 1, pp2
Paul R. Woodward, Falk Herwig, and Ted Wetherbee (2018): Simulating Stellar Hydrodynamics at Extreme Scale, Computing in Science & Engineering, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Vol 20, Num 5, pp8-17


S. Jones, R. Andrassy, S. Sandalski, A. Davis, P. Woodward, and F. Herwig (2017): Idealized hydrodynamic simulations of turbulent oxygen-burning shell convection in 4 pi geometry, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Oxford University Press, Vol 465, Num 3, pp2991-3010


Pei-Hung Lin and Paul R. Woodward (2016): Transforming the Multifluid PPM Algorithm to Run on GPUs, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, Elsevier BV, Vol 93-94, pp56--65


Ted Wetherbee, Elizabeth Jones, Michael Knox, Stou Sandalski, and Paul Woodward (2015): In-Core Volume Rendering for Cartesian Grid Fluid Dynamics Simulations, Association for Computing Machinery, XSEDE '15: Proceedings of the 2015 XSEDE Conference on Scientific Advancements Enabled by Enhanced Cyberinfrastructure, Num 35, pp35:1-35:8, St. Louis, Missouri, U.S.A.


Paul R. Woodward, Jagan Jayaraj, and Richard Barrett (2014): mPPM Viewed as a Co-Design Effort, Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers, Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Hardware-Software Co-Design for High Performance Computing (Co-HPC '14), pp33-40, New Orleans, Louisiana, U.S.A.
Falk Herwig, Paul R. Woodward, Pei-Hung Lin, Mike Knox, and Chris Fryer (2014): Global non-spherical oscillations in three-dimensional 4 pi simulations of the H-ingestion flash, Astrophysical Journal Letters, The American Astronomical Society, Vol 792, Num 1, ppL3
Paul R. Woodward, Falk Herwig, and Pei-Hung Lin (2014): Hydrodynamic Simulations of H Entrainment at the Top of He-Shell Flash Convection, Astrophysical Journal, The American Astronomical Society, Vol 798, Num 1, pp49


Paul R. Woodward, Jagan Jayaraj, Pei-Hung Lin, Michael Knox, Simon D. Hammond, James Greensky, and Sarah E. Anderson (2013): Scaling the Multifluid PPM Code on Blue Waters and Intel MIC, Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers, 2013 Extreme Scaling Workshop (XSW 2013), pp64-72, Boulder, Colorado, U.S.A.


P. R. Woodward, J. Jayaraj, P.-H. Lin, M. Knox, D. H. Porter, C. L. Fryer, G. Dimonte, C. Joggerst, G.M. Rockefeller, W. Dai, R. J. Kares, and V. A. Thomas (2012): Simulating Turbulent Mixing from Richtmyer-Meshkov and Rayleigh-Taylor Instabilities in Converging Geometries Using Moving Cartesian Grids, Los Alamos National Laboratory, 2012 Nuclear Explosive Code Development Conference (NECDC 2012), Num LA-UR-13-20949, Livermore, California, U.S.A.
Pei-Hung Lin, Jagan Jayaraj, Paul Woodward, and Pen-Chung Yew (2012): A Study of Performance Portability Using Piecewise-Parabolic Method (PPM) Gas Dynamics Applications, Elsevier BV, Procedia Computer Science (Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Science, ICCS 2012), Vol 9, pp1988-1991, Omaha, Nebraska, U.S.A.


Pei-Hung Lin, Jagan Jayaraj, and Paul R. Woodward (2011): A Study of the Performance of Multifluid PPM Gas Dynamics on CPUs and GPUs, Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers, 2011 Symposium on Application Accelerators in High-Performance Computing, pp42-51, Knoxville, Tennessee, U.S.A.
Falk Herwig, Marco Pignatari, Paul R. Woodward, David H. Porter, Gabriel Rockefeller, Chris L. Fryer, Michael Bennett, and Raphael Hirschi (2011): Convective-Reactive Proton-C12 Combustion in Sakurai's Object (V4334 Sagittarii) and Implications for the Evolution and Yields from the First Generations of Stars, Astrophysical Journal, The American Astronomical Society, Vol 727, Num 2, pp89
Paul Woodward, P.-H. Lin, G. M. Rockefeller, C. L. Fryer, G. Dimonte, W. Dai, and R. J. Kares (2011): Simulating Rayleigh-Taylor (RT) Instability Using PPM Hydrodynamics at Scale on Roadrunner, Los Alamos National Laboratory, 2010 Nuclear Explosive Code Development Conference (NECDC 2010), Num LA-UR-11-00061, Los Alamos, New Mexico, U.S.A.


P. R. Woodward, D. H. Porter, W. Dai, T. Fuchs, T. Nowatzki, M. Knox, G. Dimonte, F. Herwig, and C. Freyer (2010): The Piecewise-Parabolic Boltzmann Advection Scheme (PPB) Applied to Multifluid Hydrodynamics, United States Department of Energy (Los Alamos National Laboratory), Los Alamos National Laboratory report, Num LA-UR-10-01823


Paul R. Woodward, Jagan Jayaraj, Pei-Hung Lin, and William Dai (2009): First Experience of Compressible Gas Dynamics Simulation on the Los Alamos Roadrunner Machine, Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, Wiley-Blackwell, Vol 21, Num 17, pp2160-2175


Paul R. Woodward, Falk Herwig (2018): 3D Stellar Hydrodynamics of H-Ingestion Flashes and Shell Mergers, 2018 Blue Waters Annual Report, pp36-37


Paul R. Woodward (2017): 3-D Simulations of i-Process Nucleosynthesis, 2017 Blue Waters Annual Report, pp60-61


Paul R. Woodward (2016): 3-D Simulations of i-Process Nucleosynthesis in the Early Universe, 2016 Blue Waters Annual Report, pp54-57


Paul R. Woodward (2015): 3-D Simulations of i-Process Nucleosynthesis in the Early Universe, 2015 Blue Waters Annual Report, pp34-36
Paul Woodward: Attacking the Shell Merger Problem in Massive Stars with PPMstar
Blue Waters Symposium 2019, Jun 4, 2019
Paul Woodward: Accelerating and Scaling the PPM Multifluid Gas Dynamics Computation for Simulations of Hydrogen Ingestion Flashes in Evolved Stars
Blue Waters Symposium 2017, May 18, 2017

Paul Woodward: Simulations of Hydrogen Ingestion Flashes in Giant Stars

Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing Conference (PASC16); Lausanne, Switzerland, Jun 10, 2016

Jayaraj, Jagan and Lin, P.-H. and Woodward, P. R.: Interactive Supercomputing Enabled by Cell Processor Accelerators

2010 Symposium on Application Accelerators in High-Performance Computing (SAAHPC 2010); Knoxville, Tennessee, U.S.A., Jul 13, 2010

Lin, Pei-Hung, Jayaraj, J. and Woodward, P. R.: A Strategy for Automatically Generating High Performance CUDA Code for a GPU Accelerator from a Specialized Fortran Code Expression

2010 Symposium on Application Accelerators in High Performance Computing (SAAHPC 2010); Knoxville, Tennessee, U.S.A., Jul 13, 2010

Canada’s Most Powerful Research Supercomputer Simulates Life of a Star

Jun 11, 2018

A team is investigating how atomic elements are formed in stars, specifically looking at how stellar convection, nuclear reactions, and atomic element formation processes work together in the final stages of the lives of stars.


Simulations of Hydrogen Ingestion Flashes in Giant Stars

Jun 16, 2016

In this video from the PASC16 conference, Paul Woodward from the University of Minnesota presents: Simulations of Hydrogen Ingestion Flashes in Giant Stars.


NSF awards time on Blue Waters to seven new projects

Oct 1, 2014

The National Science Foundation (NSF) has awarded 14 new allocations on the Blue Waters petascale supercomputer at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Seven of the awards are for new projects.


Blue Waters Symposium a success

May 28, 2014

The symposium, held May 13-15 in Champaign, Ill., gathered many of the country’s leading supercomputer users to share what they have learned using Blue Waters and discuss the future of supercomputing. On May 13, 2014, Blue Waters supercomputer users and many of the NCSA staff who support their work converged in Champaign, Ill., for the second annual Blue Waters Symposium. The ensuing three days were filled with what many of them would later refer to as a wonderful variety of science talks and opportunities for networking and collaboration.


4 applications sustain 1 petaflop on Blue Waters

Jan 29, 2013

Four large-scale science applications (VPIC, PPM, QMCPACK and SPECFEM3DGLOBE) have sustained performance of 1 petaflop or more on the Blue Waters supercomputer, and the Weather Research & Forecasting (WRF) run on Blue Waters is the largest WRF simulation ever documented. These applications are part of the NCSA Blue Waters Sustained Petascale Performance (SPP) suite and represent valid scientific workloads. VPIC VPIC integrates the relativistic Maxwell-Boltzmann system in a linear background medium for multiple particle species, in time with an explicit-implicit mixture of velocity Verlet, leapfrog, Boris rotation and exponential differencing based on a reversible phase-space volume conserving second order Trotter factorization. The Petascale Computing Resource Allocation (PRAC) team led by Homayoun Karimabadi (University of California-San Diego) is using VPIC in for kinetic simulations of magnetic reconnection of high temperature plasmas (H+ and e-).


4 more research groups using Blue Waters Early Science System

May 21, 2012

Four additional research teams have begun using the first phase of the Blue Waters sustained-petascale supercomputer to tackle challenging problems in science and engineering. They join six research groups that began using the system in March. The Blue Waters Early Science System, which is made up of 48 Cray XE6 cabinets, represents about 15 percent of the total Blue Waters computational system and is currently the most powerful computing resource available through the National Science Foundation.


When tornadoes attack

Apr 6, 2010

In many ways, tornadoes remain a mystery. While their powerful winds can leave broad swaths of devastation—damaged and destroyed homes and businesses, injuries and fatalities—twisters are a challenge for atmospheric scientists to study. It's difficult (not to mention hazardous) to be in the exact right place at the precisely the right time to see one in action, and models that capture all of the critical small-scale details within a dynamic storm system are computationally demanding. That's where the sustained-petaflop Blue Waters supercomputer comes into the picture. The University of Illinois' Bob Wilhelmson is the principal investigator for a Petascale Computing Resource Allocation project.


Astrophysicists, cosmologists to tap power of Blue Waters

Mar 18, 2010

Blue Waters is expected to be the most powerful supercomputer in the world for open scientific research when it comes online at Illinois in 2011. Scientists and engineers who are eager to tap this sustained-petaflop powerhouse for breakthrough research are already working closely with the Blue Waters project team to prepare their codes. The National Science Foundation provides Petascale Computing Resource Allocations (PRAC awards) to support these collaborations, which include help porting and re-engineering existing applications and in some cases building entirely new applications based on new programming models. Current PRAC projects—18 representing about 30 institutions—represent a wide range of scientific disciplines: biology and health, weather and climate, earthquakes and geophysics, and cosmology and our universe.
