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Robert Cieri


Robert L. Cieri and C. G. Farmer (2020): Computational Fluid Dynamics Reveals a Unique Net Unidirectional Pattern of Pulmonary Airflow in the Savannah Monitor Lizard (Varanus exanthematicus), Anatomical Record-Advances in Integrative Anatomy and Evolutionary Biology, American Association for Anatomy, Vol 303, Num 7, pp1768-1791

Following the lizard lung labyrinth

Dec 13, 2019

In their latest study, biologists have discovered that Savannah monitor lizards have lung structures that are a kind of a hybrid system of bird and mammal lungs. The researchers took CT scans of the entire lung labyrinth and used two different supercomputers to simulate airflow patterns at the highest resolution. The software used computational fluid dynamics similar to those used to forecast weather, calculating millions of equations every tenth of a second. The findings show that vertebrate lung evolution is complicated and we have yet to understand the full picture.
