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Scaling the Community Earth System Model (CESM) to ultra-high resolutions for analyzing tropical cyclone-climate feedbacks

Ryan Sriver, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

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Ryan Sriver, Hui Li

The Blue Waters system will be used to optimize code performance and test the scalability of the Community Earth System Model (CESM) to ultra-high resolutions to examine connections between tropical cyclones and climate. We will perform benchmarking simulations featuring the 0.25° atmosphere coupled to a 0.1° ocean, which represents the first time this model configuration will be used to study tropical cyclones. The anticipated expense of the proposed simulations is considerably outside the capabilities of traditional XSEDE resources, and as a result we will use of Blue Waters to pursue this investigation. The proposed runs will provide the critical next step in settling the decade-long debate about the importance of tropical cyclone-induced feedbacks for Earth’s climate.