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Collaborative Research: Petascale Design and Management of Satellite Assets to Advance Space Based Earth Science

Patrick Reed, Cornell University

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Thomas Cortese, Patrick Reed, Matthew Woodruff, Haihang You, Joshua Kollat, Timothy Thompson, David Hadka, Jonathan Herman, Ryan McKennon-Kelly, Nathaniel Chaney, Matthew Ferringer, William Whittecar, Lake Singh

The ability to mitigate and adapt to the accelerating rate of environmental change is critically dependent on our ability to observe and predict the natural, built, and social systems that define sustainability at the global scale. The National Research Council has recommended that the United States invest over $6 billion on 17 priority missions covering earth science focused on land-use change, ecosystem dynamics, biodiversity, weather, climate variability and change, water resources, human health, and solid Earth hazards. Given budgetary constraints, the fundamental question remains: How should we manage the trade-offs and design challenges posed by maximizing the value of existing and proposed spaced-based Earth observation systems? This team will use Blue Waters to create a planning framework that is broadly applicable across space-based Earth observation systems design.

Reed vignette, originally prepared for NSF