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Lattice QCD on Blue Waters

Robert Sugar, University of California, Santa Barbara

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Carleton DeTar, David Richards, Steven Gottlieb, Robert Sugar, Douglas Toussaint, Robert Edwards, Konstantinos Orginos, Gregory Bauer, Craig Steffen, Balint Joo, Alexei Bazavov, George Fleming, Justin Foley, Chulwoo Jung, Frank Winter, Daping Du, Nuno Miguel Ribeiro Cardoso, Thomas Primer, Mathias Wagner, Peter Boyle, Christopher Kelly

The USQCD Collaboration, which consists of nearly all of the high-energy and nuclear physicists in the United States working on the numerical study of quantum chromodynamics (QCD), will use Blue Waters to study the theory of the strong interactions of sub-atomic physics, including simulations at the physical masses of the up and down quarks, the two lightest of the six quarks that are the fundamental constituents of strongly interacting matter.