Petascale plasma physics simulations using PIC codes
Warren Mori, University of California, Los Angeles
Usage Details
Viktor Decyk, Galen Arnold, Warren Mori, Frank Tsung, Ricardo Fonseca, Benjamin Winjum, Weiming An, Ian Ellis, Jessica Shaw, Asher Davidson, Peicheng Yu, Xinlu XuThe UCLA Simulation of Plasmas Group and the OSIRIS Consortium use six parallel particle-in-cell (PIC) codes to investigate four key science areas:
- Can fast ignition be used to develop inertial fusion energy?
- What is the source of the most energetic particles in the cosmos?
- Can plasma-based acceleration be the basis of new compact accelerators for use at the energy frontier, in medicine, in probing materials, and in novel light sources?
- What processes trigger substorms in the magnetotail?