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Enabling Large-Scale, High-Resolution, and Real-Time Earthquake Simulations on Petascale Parallel Computers

Liqiang Wang, University of Wyoming

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Galen Arnold, Po Chen, Liqiang Wang, Dawei Mu, He Huang, En-Jui Lee

Blue Waters could be the key to understanding the connections between Earth’s deep structure and seismic energy. Often one of the major bottlenecks of this sort of research is the large amount of data it can produce. Wang's has developed a scalable code to compute this data more efficiently. The calculations they are running on Blue Waters are a product of a very high-resolution seismic topography project. The region of southern California accounts for more than 25 percent of the total seismic hazards in the United States today. Through their research run on the supercomputer, the team is hoping to determine a 3D structural model for this large concentration of seismic energy.