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Pixel-level uncertainty quantification, optimized for Blue Waters

Athol Kemball, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

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Athol Kemball, Michael Katolik, Di Wen, Samantha Thrush, Jamila Taaki, Taylor Tobin

Contemporary astronomical interferometry for modern arrays such at the Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA) and future instruments such as the Square Kilometer Array (SKA) present unsolved grand-challenge problems, now uniquely amenable to solution using extreme-scale computing. My research with Blue Waters has focused on two such problems, namely new techniques for pixel-level fidelity assessment in interferometric imaging, and new instrumental calibration techniques for modern arrays. Over the past year we have completed significant work in interferometric fidelity assessment. In addition, we have identified and evaluated completely novel methods of interferometric calibration at petascale, of broad potential scientific application to new interferometer arrays.