ACS PHYS graduate student award in theoretical chemistry
Anastassia Alexandrova, University of California, Los Angeles
Usage Details
Anastassia Alexandrova, Junwei Bao, Arpa HudaitWe request an educational allocation, which will be used as a prize in the Graduate Award in theoretical physical chemistry given by the American Chemical Society. The first prize will consist of 3,000 CPU-h, and the second prize will consist of 1,500 CPU-h, in addition to monetary award sponsored by the ACS.
The winners will use the allocation for their research and learning needs, specific to their areas of graduate studies.
The competition is open to any graduate student (regardless of citizenship) who began graduate study after August 1, 2013, and who is an ACS member (or who’s adviser is an ACS member). These awards are designed to encourage graduate work in computational chemistry, to recognize research accomplishments, and to stimulate interest in the Subdivision of Theoretical Chemistry and the Physical Chemistry Division of the American Chemistry Society. An Awards Committee (Anastassia Alexandrova, the PI of this proposal, and Joan Shea of UCSB) will consider all application packets.
Applicants for the award should be working on new and innovative computational chemistry methods or applications in theoretical chemistry. Applicants should prepare a written description of a computational chemistry research project that requires high- performance computing, with a discussion of the scientific importance of the project. Two letters of recommendation, including one from the student's adviser, along with a vita and transcript, are required. The proposal, including the vita, should not exceed four double- spaced pages. In addition, a faculty person (typically the applicant's research adviser) responsible for the applicant's use of the NCSA Blue Waters resources should be identified.