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PAID - global FDTD models

Jamesina Simpson, University of Utah

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Jamesina Simpson, Santosh Pokhrel, wenyuan zhu
The Department of Energy's SciDAC-3 Institute for Sustained Performance, Energy and Resilience (SUPER), aims to ensure that computational scientists can successfully exploit the current and emerging generation of high-performance computing systems by providing application scientists with strategies and tools to productively maximize performance and working with application teams to use and implement the tools. Dr. Mary Hall leads the SUPER research effort that focuses on compiler-based approaches to obtaining high performance on state-of-the-art architectures, including multi-cores, GPUs, and petascale platforms. This group is developing autotuning compiler technology to systematically map application code to these diverse architectures and make efficient use of heterogeneous resources in both today's and future extreme-scale systems. SUPER will assist Blue Waters teams in tuning and refactoring their applications.