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ACML: AMD Core Math Library

The 64-bit AMD Core Math Library (ACML) has been optimized for the Cray XE/XK-series and is included with the LibSci Scientific Library. It includes:

  • Level 1, 2, and 3 Basic Linear Algebra Subroutines (BLAS)
  • A full suite of Linear Algebra (LAPACK) routines
  • A suite of Fast Fourier Transform routines (ACML FFTs) for single-precision, double-precision, single-precision complex, and double-precision complex data types
  • Random number generators

How to use ACML

% module load acml

To compile and link with the serial ACML under PrgEnv-gnu, PrgEnv-intel, and PrgEnv-pgi, use

% ftn test_acml.f -lacml
% cc test_acml.c -lacml

To compile and link with the serial ACML under PrgEnv-cray, use

% ftn -h noomp test_acml.f -lacml
% cc -h noomp test_acml.c -lacml

To compile and link with the OpenMP version of ACML under PrgEnv-gnu and PrgEnv-intel, use

% ftn -fopenmp test_acml.f -lacml_mp
% cc -fopenmp test_acml.c -lacml_mp

To compile and link with the OpenMP version of ACML under PrgEnv-pgi, use

% ftn -mp=nonuma test_acml.f -lacml_mp
% cc -mp=nonuma test_acml.f -lacml_mp

To compile and link with the OpenMP version of ACML under PrgEnv-cray, use

% ftn -h omp test_acml.f -lacml_mp
% cc -h omp test_acml.c -lacml_mp


Solution of linear equations using DGETRF/DGETRS: dgetrf_example.f

FFT of a real sequence using DZFFT: dzfft_c_example.c

Additional Information