sites: [bw] { execution { type: "coaster" URL: "" jobManager: "local:pbs" options { nodeGranularity: 2 maxNodesPerJob: 2 maxJobs: 1 //maxJobs: 1 //tasksPerNode: 2 tasksPerNode: 1 maxJobTime: "00:35:00" jobOptions { queue: normal pbs.aprun: true ppn: 32 depth :32 } # userHomeOverride: "/u/staff/arnoldg/swifthome" } } staging: local workDirectory: "/u/staff/"${env.USER}"/scratch/swiftwork" maxParallelTasks: 101 initialParallelTasks: 24 app.ALL { executable: "*" maxWallTime: "00:05:30" } app.setsm { executable: "/bin/bash" maxWallTime: "00:03:30" } app.mywc { executable: "/u/staff/arnoldg/swiftest/mywc" maxWallTime: "00:03:30" } app.sounding { executable: "/mnt/abc/u/staff/arnoldg/swiftest/sounding" maxWallTime: "00:10:30" } app.catnap { executable: "/u/staff/arnoldg/swiftest/catnap" maxWallTime: "00:05:30" } } TCPPortRange: "50000,51000" # TCP port range used by swift to communicate with remote sites # changed to tolerate errors lazyErrors: true # Swift fails immediately upon encountering an error # changed to try 2 retries, was 0 executionRetries: 2 # Set number of retries upon task failures keepSiteDir: true # Keep Site Dir (useful for debug) providerStagingPinSwiftFiles: false # Pin staging files (useful for debug) alwaysTransferWrapperLog: true # Transfer wrapper logs (useful for debug)