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Machine Learning Institute
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Tentative Agenda

The institute will be held September 4-7, 2018.

The morning of September 4 will focus on reviewing some basic skills and knowledge that will be necessary to fully participate in the hands-on activities. These sessions are optional for attendees who are already very familiar with the topics.

However, we strongly encourage all attendees to participate if they are not fully conversant with these topics.

The following is a preliminary summary of topics to be covered daily.

Day 1 AM - Optional session on basic tools needed for the institute

  • Basics of using the Blue Waters system including logging in, submitting jobs, data handling, etc.
  • Python tools for data science including Numpy, Scipy, Pandas, Statsmodels, and Sklearn

Day 1 PM - Overview of the Machine Learning landscape

  • Big picture of machine learning
  • Types of datasets and techniques
  • Introduction to MINST as a sample dataset to learn various machine learning techniques
  • Neural nets

Day 2 AM - explore three techniques for machine learning

  • AM - K-means
  • PM - Singular-Value Decomposition (SVD) and Regression

Day 3 and 4 - Case studies with a variety of data set types

  • Health data
  • Climate data
  • Text information
Day 4 PM - attendees are encouraged to bring their own data to process

The full detailed agenda will be posted by the end of May 2018